Best offer for Designer Emma Cupcake Wrappers - BABY BLUE (set of 96) is now alive. This cool item is now available, you could buy it right now for only $0.00 and usually ships within a single day.
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Get Designer Emma Cupcake Wrappers - BABY BLUE (set of 96) top item. lowest price available for you on Emma Cupcake Wrappers at Discounted prices. Search for lowest prices.
Product Information
For true WOW factor, place your cupcakes in these designer cupcake wrappers!
These Designer Emma BABY BLUE Cupcake Wrappers fits standard size cupcakes, has a polka dot design on them, measure 3.25 inches wide x approximately 2 inches tall, are made from exceptional quality paper, and are easy to assemble.
Please note that these designer cupcake wrappers are for presentation purposes only - please do not bake in these wrappers.
These fashionable cupcake wrappers, also known as cupcake sleeves or cupcake wraps, will hide those wrinkly cupcake liners and give your cupcakes an exquisite, polished look!
These cupcake wrappers will help you create a chic and memorable display at your upcoming event.
Wrap your cupcakes with a designer wrapper and then place your cupcakes on a cupcake tower and coordinate the colors together - your guests will be so impressed!
These Designer Emma BABY BLUE Cupcake Wrappers are perfect for weddings, birthdays, baby showers, college events, bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs, corporate events, and more! For best results, follow these simple steps:
Assemble wrapper by simply sliding tab into slot. Place baked, unfrosted cupcake inside assembled wrapper. Frost cupcake, careful not to get frosting on your cupcake's new designer outfit!
These Designer Emma Cupcake Wrappers in BABY BLUE are sold in a pack of 96.
**sorry, we are unable to ship this product to HI, AK, AE, Canada or Puerto Rico**
Strong Feat
- For true WOW factor, place your cupcakes in these designer cupcake wrappers!
- These Designer Emma BABY BLUE Cupcake Wrappers fits standard size cupcakes, has a polka dot design on them, measure 3.25 inches wide x approximately 2 inches tall, are made from exceptional quality paper, and are easy to assemble.
- Please note that these designer cupcake wrappers are for presentation purposes only - please do not bake in these wrappers.
- These fashionable cupcake wrappers, also known as cupcake sleeves or cupcake wraps, will hide those wrinkly cupcake liners and give your cupcakes an exquisite, polished look!
- These Designer Emma Cupcake Wrappers in BABY BLUE are sold in a pack of 96. **sorry, we are unable to ship this product to HI, AK, AE, Canada or Puerto Rico**
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Tags: Designer Cupcake Wrappers, Emma Cupcake Wrappers, Designer Emma Wrappers, Designer Emma Cupcake
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